SoraRabbit Short Hop 022: Bunny Snacks Part 3
It’s been a long time! I only managed to get out one Short Hop last year, and it’s been two and a half years since the last installment of Bunny Snacks. If you need a refresher, which would be totally understandable, you can find the posts below. (I will admit I reread my own posts to get myself back up to speed before tackling this post and the next.)
SoraRabbit Short Hop 014: Bunny Snacks Part 1
SoraRabbit Short Hop 015: Bunny Snacks Part 2
Really quick recap, a bunny dad and his son die and are reborn as a series of sweet treats, only to be eaten and reborn again. Beyond that, all I’ll do is leave you with my Previously On Taberareusa!
I give good recap. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
And now you’re as caught up as you’re going to be!
Anyway, we left off on Chapter 27. As we pick up our rabbit friend’s journey, they have been reborn as baked cheese tarts.
How is this manga so cute? (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
But they aren’t all there! Rabbit Dad is nowhere to be seen and Son worries that he ate too much and outpaced his dad. (The more they eat in their new lives, the more complex beings they become. At one point Pigeon Wife outpaced her husband and became a cat.)
Sooooo cute! (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Rabbit Son is also worried because his dad warned him that when they become animals they can’t eat many sweets or they’ll get diseases… such as his head going “boom”. He appears to have been warning him of diabetes but— as Rabbit Dad tends to do— he either misunderstood or didn’t explain well.
Ewww! (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
So Son tries his best to resist the urge to eat his cheese tart body, at least until Dad gets there. But when a cook starts demonstrating to his students that each tart has a rich filling of two layers of cream cheese, both Son and Pigeon Wife get really hungry. (She loves sweets too.) She doesn’t last long before she starts to eat herself. (I dare you to find a cuter manga about self-cannibalization. No wait… you probably shouldn’t. And I’m going to resist the urge to google that.)
This comic always makes me want sweets. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Pigeon Wife seemingly passes out from the flavor of her cheese tart body, her spirit leaving her body. Son is losing his resolve but is determined to wait for his father. Before he shows up, though, they realize that Bura-chan is also there. He’s complaining about how sweet everything is. Pigeon-Senpai messes with him for awhile and makes him recite poetry. Finally Son can’t take anymore and starts eating himself. Rabbit Dad finally arrives and Son stuffs cheese tart in his mouth. From the sweetness of the tarts (or maybe the heat of the oven, I’m not sure) they all ascend to their next lives.
Now they're biscuits. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
In their next lives, they’re reborn as biscuits on a Christmas tiramisu. Son is excited to learn about Christmas and Dad explains what the holiday is all about.
I love how they have their food carefully labelled. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Here we get to see Rabbit Wife and learn that she wasn’t just obsessed with human sweets… she also wanted to experience Christmas. Since Rabbit Wife was already gone before the manga started, I love seeing her appear in Rabbit Dad’s memories.
Rabbit Dad has an interesting way of looking at things. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Son, as usual, wants to taste the tiramisu, but they soon learn that their biscuit bodies are too thin. Any movement will cause them to crack. They have another problem. The party they’re at is a strange one where young women protest against normalcy. Their biscuit bodies say “ria-juu” which roughly translates to “normies”. One of the girls, Haruna, just went through a bad breakup and wants to crush the biscuits as a symbol that she’s okay. This, understandably, terrifies Rabbit Dad. He’s not sure what will happen to them if they’re crushed and unable to eat anything.
Poor biscuit bunnies. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
The girls start breaking them and Dad tries to remain positive, saying their heads are their real forms.
Monch. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
But Son is fine since now since he can eat the cream. Dad is able to eat the cocoa in the biscuit since it’s a little bitter. Son feels guilty that he started eating before his dad again but Dad is just worried Son will be traumatized by Christmas.
So weird. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
There was also a whole thing where after she was cheated on, Haruna knitted a giant sock and thought maybe Santa could leave her a boyfriend. It’s not important to the plot but I mention it because I wanted to share the screenshot. It made me laugh.
Yikes. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Since we’ve already established that Rabbit Dad is a romantic, he feels bad for Haruna. Suddenly someone dressed as Santa bursts into the house and Haruna gets ready to stab him with a fork. But it turns out to be her ex boyfriend. They make up and in the process she removes the fake beard and Santa mask. Dad is afraid that’ll ruin Son’s belief, so he hurries and eats some cream to make a beard for himself. He pretends to be Santa’s spirit possessing the rabbit biscuit. Son was worried that he wouldn’t get a present because he’s been eating more than his dad, but Santa Dad says the cake is magic and since he’s been a good bunny he can eat as much of it as he wants. Christmas is saved!
Oooo... tantalizing plot points. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Interestingly, we get a short scene in between lifetimes where the pink-haired villain lady (I mentioned her last time… Bura is her henchbunny) strolls in a corridor of doorways, each one seemingly leading to a new lifetime for the bunnies. She selects one and a bunny-shaped key appears. It’s all very mysterious and I’m sure it will be elaborated on later. Of course, we don’t even know if she’s a villain. She just appeared to be antagonistic in the fruit punch arc and has trapped Bura in the same loop as our bunny friends.
Is this what rabbits look like in Minecraft? (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
In their next life, Dad finds himself as Yakimochi, a type of mochi-cake that is grilled. (I’d never heard of this before but now I desperately want to try it.) Son appears next to him and puffs up, deflating as the heat exits.
Haunting. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
As he heats up, Dad becomes softer and his ears puff up incredibly. Excited, he swings them around but they get stuck on Pigeon-Sempai, who he hadn’t noticed until then.
They made a Voltron. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
In their attempts to disengage from each other, the three of them get stuck together and melt from the heat into one body. Dad is happy that he can still do his uin-uin (his special move where he wiggles his ears from a place of gentleness.) Either from the more powerful uin-uin or from the frustration of being stuck in this cycle, Dad wonders if they can battle the humans in this form. Sometimes, he says, he would like to decide when he will be eaten.
What a great battle scene. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
All three of them get fired up and decide they deserve a break. They successfully fight off the chopsticks and can eat their mochi body in peace. But then they find it has no taste. (It hasn’t been seasoned yet.) They get grabbed with a metal tong instead and dipped in soy sauce and wrapped with seaweed. They interrupt Bura, who was having a peaceful break from them on the plate.
They do look tasty. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
And that is where we will leave them for now, at the end of Chapter 33. The next one is a longer story arc, so I’ll start the next post with that. I really didn’t mean to go into this much detail, but I was having a lot of fun revisiting this comic. Just know that, as always, I left a lot out that you can discover for yourselves if you decide to read this.
Uin-uin is a gentle move. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)
Like I said at the top, I didn’t mean to leave this so long, but I was distracted and also waiting for more to be translated. Sadly, this didn’t happen. We don’t have much more left that’s been translated (65 chapters out of 155 total), so I may only have two more installments before an indefinite hiatus. We’ll see what happens. I’m still hoping we get an official translation and release in America. Please please please!
Thank you for joining me for another look at this adorable (and slightly traumatic) manga. I appreciate you all for sharing this time with me. I’ll be back shortly with the fourth installment! Until then, make sure to check all your sweet treats for bunny ears!
Adorable. (Credit: Umibird, Coffee Break Scanlations)