Video Game Blog 040: Cute Cat Adventures: Video Game Edition
Recently I did a series of posts about the amazing and wholesome anime Chi’s Sweet Home. I called that series of posts Cute Cat Adventures, because I couldn’t think of anything clever and that title summed it up well enough anyway. Well, now I’m back to report again on the important subject of Cute Cat Adventures, but with a different cat and completely different format. This post is about the game Little Kitty, Big City!
Title. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Little Kitty, Big City was released in 2024 by Double Dagger Studio for the Nintendo Switch, Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. For this post I played the Switch version.
In this game you play the role of an ordinary but adventurous cat who has fallen from his windowsill and must find his way home. The main way to do this is by increasing the cat’s stamina by eating fish. This allows the cat to climb ivy and make his way back up to the apartment.
Nom. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
The fish aren’t just laying around, though. To get the first one you have to trade shiny things to a crow. The others are obtained by stealing them. Yes, this kitty is a thief. And also destructive— some of the actions you can do are knocking breakable things off ledges, tripping people, and yes, also stealing things. (One quest involves tripping a pedestrian and stealing their phone.)
Is doggy. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
You can meet and interact with many animals in the game including a bug, a cheerful dog, a mysterious tanuki, a chameleon, and more. The animals are all quirky and give you quests or tasks to complete. (Like the crow I mentioned who wants shiny things.)
Very common problem. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
The tanuki quest involves trading feathers to activate warp portals that let you fast travel throughout the city. This is as helpful as you would think… while the city is not enormous, it’s still pretty big for a little cat to traverse.
Catch and release! (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
The feathers are obtained by stalking and pouncing on birds. They fly away, leaving behind a feather.
Aww, nap time. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
While you can complete quests and collect items, the gameplay is anchored in the reality of being an ordinary cat. You find cozy places to nap in, pester humans, run from scary barking dogs, and get into trouble by being where you’re not supposed to be.
There is seriously so much to do in this game. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
The game is filled with achievements such as catching birds, recycling cans, getting humans to pet you (or trip over you) and many more. You also have emotes you can earn that let you sit, make a “yuck” face and more.
I hope there’s a strawberry hat. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Aside from the tasks and quests, you can also collect cute hats for your cat to wear. I only have three so far. You get the hats by completing tasks and by trading shiny things to the crow. Shiny things are generally found in trashcans or by recycling cans.
Ooo psychedelic! (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Thoughts: I’m not very far in the game yet, but I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. It really reminds me of Untitled Goose Game in the way you explore and spread chaos as an ordinary animal, and the cute aesthetics. I like the personalities of the animals and the exploration aspects. My favorite part, as in most games, are the wealth of achievements and quests and collectibles. The more content a game has, the longer I play, trying to complete and see everything I can.
I have a lot more to explore. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Pros: This game really does have so much to do and interact with. From the different animals and their tasks, to the various cat-things you can accomplish on your adventure. There are so many little details, like the endless waves of pedestrians, the NPC humans that chase you out of restricted areas, the birds that poop on you after you scare them off. My favorite detail is when you load your save file, the kitty wakes up from a nap. A lot of care was put into designing this game.
Cons: The controls are a bit wonky and it’s easy to get the buttons mixed up. I keep meowing when I want to run, swiping when I’m trying to stalk birds, things like that. The controls are not intuitive. Also I can’t figure out if there’s a way to cancel a jump. I continually hit the jump button by accident, which opens up the trajectory guide and I can’t exit out of it without going through with the jump. It’s clumsy.
I befriended a bug. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Overall, I find Little Kitty, Big City to be a cute and wholesome game. It’s cozy, cheery, funny, and entertaining. It has a solid structure despite clunky controls. It’s not perfect, but it has a lot of personality. I’ll keep coming back until I’ve seen all it has to offer. (And until I get the kitty back home. Can’t leave the grand quest unfinished!)
The grocery cat is funny. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)
Thank you for joining me in this short review of a cute game. I have some more games to cover before I move on to other projects, so I’ll be back very soon with more!
Hehe. (Credit: Double Dagger Studio)